Our COre Values

We believe in a set of core values that everyone at Haleys business advisers works to, helping provide a better service to you.

our core values:

1. Proactive Partnership

We don’t just wait for opportunities; we create them. By taking an active interest in your business and industry, we work alongside you as proactive partners, anticipating needs and helping you achieve future success.

2. Unwavering Integrity

Trust is the foundation of our relationships. We earn it by being transparent, reliable, and straightforward, ensuring that our advice and actions always align with your best interests.

3. Bold Insights

Our opinions are formed from deep industry knowledge and a commitment to understanding your business inside and out. We provide clear, actionable insights—not just options—so you can make informed decisions confidently.

4. Collaborative Excellence

We believe in the power of teamwork, both within our organisation and in partnership with our clients. By leveraging our collective strengths, we achieve exceptional results and overcome challenges together.

5. Tailored Solutions

Your business is unique, and so are our services. We go beyond one-size-fits-all solutions, customising our approach to fit your specific needs and objectives.

6. Commitment to Evolution

The pursuit of excellence is a journey, not a destination. We are dedicated to continual learning and improvement, embracing change as an opportunity to better serve our clients and stay ahead of industry trends.

Our values reflect haleys pro-active, trust-building approach and our distinctive stance in the accounting sector, highlighting our dedication to offering a personalised, forward-thinking service.

What we can do for your business

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Jul 25, 2024

Making HMRC pay for poor service

Dealing with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) can sometimes be challenging. Long wait times when phoning for help, incorrect refund amounts, errors in tax codes and other issues can cause frustration. In recent months and years the decline in service standard from HMRC has been notable, but did you know that it is possible to complain about HMRC and even receive compensation?
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Jul 24, 2024

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The Office of National Statistics has released the latest inflation figures for June, and the good news is that the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) has stayed at 2.0%.
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